We have so many people to thank for standing by us and not laughing when we decided to set up a new company in a pandemic. We think thanks are pretty important so bear with us as we make a speech…
We need to thank the original Island who first came to join us in the middle of a field in the middle of the Cornish wild based on trust and the offer of good food, to the people who have listened and guided us, spotted when we were overwhelmed, allowed us to make mistakes, sent us socks and mugs, helped us work our brains into a programme, looked after our kids, said yes and no when appropriate and told us to do the same, put rockets up our arses and hugged us (metaphorically and physically) tight, championed us to be brave, empowered us to continue, tweeted about us and best of all jumped on board with us. We thank you.
To the people we know - our bullshit busters who are unafraid to tell us the truth - including The Matthews (Xia and Dunster), Gareth Farr, Alix Harris, Ami Lafferty, Vicky Graham, Peter Renshaw, Helen Tiplady, Kirsty Cotton (we love and miss you Kirsty), Suzie West, Sunita Pandya and Lyn Gardner. Our original Big Skies crew. ALL of The Island. Richard Seary and all at Gary Beestone Associates (what would we have done without you along the way!). To our venue and organisation partners Dash Arts, Royal Docks, Kestle Barton, Hannah at Florence Terrace, Sue at the Young Vic, the teams at Bristol old Vic and Theatre Royal Plymouth, Ed and all at The Poly, Cathy and Aaron at Southbank Centre, Arts and Culture Exeter University, Plymouth University, Creative UK and all our cornish cohort, Wildworks and Mike and Sarah from Kneehigh Barns. Miranda Larson, Richard Healey, Tom Jackson Greaves, Tom Fletcher and Rachel Drake for being bloody wonderful. Our kids for coming up with the idea to turn The Creakers into a show. The grandparents for doing more than they should. The Child of Science cast and creatives for literally making a dream come true, Conrad Murray for always always always saying thank you and recognising and crediting us - that really matters. To John Brant at Smith&Brant and Joe, Louise, Suzie and all at Stage One for guidance, support and trust like we’ve never known - we know how much we push at whats normal. Nema and Nick and Pam at ACE, Anthony Lilley our new new mentor (!) for reminding us we are not insane. To James Randall and all at AMATA, all at FEAST and Lou at Paul Hamlyn. To all the artists and teams we have the privilege to work with and spend time with across our projects.
To everyone who supports Falmouth International Arts Fest - particularly Richard Wilcox and Team at Falmouth BID & Falmouth CREATES, St Michaels Hotel, Verdant, Stranger Collective, The Cornish Bank, The Poly, Princess Pavilion, Falmouth Uni AMATA, Rhona Gardiner and all at Excess Energy, Hannah White, Solskinn, Miracle, Trebah Gardens, Hall for Cornwall, WILD and all our volunteers.
And to Tony Davey (Information & Facilities Manager Paul Hamlyn Foundation) for spotting our cold call email for help at our very beginning in March 2020 and simply being human and kind to champion and help us get noticed for initial £5k funding to start our first project for the company. We probably wouldn’t have had the guts or confidence or certainly the funds to continue otherwise. So Tony - we thank you and will forever be grateful to you. You made it possible. We would like to buy you a beer one day.
Thank you
Charlie and Gabby
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