We made this show happen with over 600 participants, residents, community organisations, students, schools, young people, artists, participation and production team and funders and supporters. Without them it would not have been possible.
Thank you to our 168 performers…
Young Company: Su, Chyan, Said, Carter, Mason, Monir, Nasri, Saeed, Sudais, Victoria, Zander, Ayomide, Alfie, Raquel, Aliya, Alina, Zaina, Matilda, Jul ia, Monique, Savannah, Nicole.
Scooter Crew: Mello, Kate, Nadine and Seth
BVG Content: Sue, Chyan, Julie, Jon, Julie E, Tania, Pauline, Maureen, Gavin, Manzoor, Mr Price, Ayomide, Eddie, Prince from Ruff Sqwad, Tariq, Almir, Britannia Village Primary School pupils.
Dance Company: Connar, Cintia, Ella, Eva, Frederick, Princess, Michaela, and Mia
Choir: Natural Voices led by Choir leader Lizzie and Assistant Amber: Lisa, Julia, Emma H, Emma R, Jane, Sue, Gracie, Becky, Deborah, Amber, Lucie, Meg, Theresa and Kaye.
Community Partners: West Silvertown Foundation, Britannia Village Youth and Primary School, RDLAC
Village Green Projection: Zoe and Bo from Frames of Mind
Community Company: Alexandra, Brendan, Carolina, Chris, Chris, Christian, Darnell, Dawid, Diego, Elisabeth, Gloria, Harrison, Jayden, Joshua, Judith, Kate, Katie, Kristina, Lauren, Laya, Lucy, Madeline, Megan, Michaela, Oliver, Ruby, Samuel, Teigan, Wiktoria, Zhivko, Jon, Caitlin, Josh, Marcio, Lucy, Francesca, Taewoo
Community partners: Heal Together and Shpresa
AR Creators: 98 UTC Students and Staff took part in the challenge to create a design .
Drumheads: Georgia Turner, Ishan Alam, Lily Durand, Masuma Ahmed, Daniel Adeshina, Chad Simpson, Isra Yasmin, Gina Anantharajah, Akashi Alam, Maya Brown, Zoe Saibu, Laurie Mann, Nathaniel Roberts, Rebecca Gibson, Owen Keeling, Abdul Khan, Rudy Albarn
The Crew: Seth, Kate, Nadine, Joshua, Luke, Alex H, Alex R, Raquel, Lawrence, Jason, Tazir, Radeyh, Mello, Style, Zander, Ayomide and Alfie.
Film Participants: Ethel, Kiron, Haris, Su, Emerson
Drummers from Sarah Bonnel and Oasis Academy Schools: Victoria, Adina, Erioluwa, Lois, Mariana, Jemima, Bowie, Khadija, Mariam, Victorianna, Shelly, Suad, Sahar, Gladis, Angel, Willow, Nikiesha, Sophia, Dorcas, Shukri, Grazy, Aanaya, Tharsika.
Lightship 93: Michele Turriani
Creative, Participation and Production Team
Director Matthew Dunster
Concept Designer Jon Bausor
Executive Creative Producers Charlie Bunker and Gabby Vautier
Content Producer Emma Cameron
Associate Artist Sophie Ellerby
Associate Artist Conrad Murray
Associate Artists Drum Works
Associate Artists Ruff Sqwad
Designer Tina Torbey
Composer Venus Ex Machina
Soundscape Designer Benji Bower
Sound Design David Gregory
Film Music Composer James Maloney
Costume Becky Gunstone
Production Manager Joey Valiunas
Assistant Producer Tom Brocklehurst
Participation Coordinators: Roxy Ebrahim-Khan, Adam Karim, Rikky Onefeli, Charlotte Jennings
Lighting Design Saulius Valiunas
Lighting Design (Millenium Mills) Rajiv Pattani
Production LX Batool Desouky
Assistant Director Placement Christian Neal
Assistant Design Placement Iman Sharif
Video Design Tal Rosner
Cinematographer Lily Grimes
Camera Jemma Cox
Film Editor Stephanie Tasker
Additional Animation David Shepherd & Darren Culley
Sound Team: Elliott Roberts, Jiuming Duan, David Beckham, Matt Russell, Martin Bristow,
Stage Management: Adam Woodhouse, Caroline Francis Eliot Sheppard, Emma Kass Anderson, Ruby Webb,
Performers Ammar Haj Ahmad, Aliyah Ali, Caitlin Kaur, Ceejay Jepson, Charlotte Merriam,
Video Mapping Millenium Mills: Guildhall Live Events, Kieron Tilley, Dan Shorten, Clare Partington, Kim Nicholson and Richard Moores.
Crew Steve, Christian, Luke, Fabs, Chase
Audience Hosts Ayomide Glory Akinnagbe, Ismail Abeid, Miheala Urzica, Selena Encalanda Reyes, Teodota Daiana Matei, Joanne Gale, Lola Boulter, Marius Tveit, Zoe Tsavdarides
Walk on water team: Lee Nicholls - National Pontoon
Marketing and Press for imPOSSIBLE Phylly Blumel and Sarah Ferrie
Photography for imPOSSIBLE Godot Photography
ARRIVAL was made possible by
The Royal Docks Culture, Community, Place and Marketing team and our incredible local community, residents and young people and creative, production and participation teams.
Generous Support from Deborah Hinton, Justin Shinebourne, the Royal Docks Team, Runaway Entertainment, and public funding from the Arts Council England
Invaluable partnership support from Art in the Docks, BAC Beatbox Academy, Britannia Village Hall, Britannia Village Primary, Coloursound Experiment, Cornwall Chamber of Commerce, DCS Printing, Drum Works, Event Engineering, Excel Centre, Expressway, Frames of Mind, Good Hotel, Guildhall Live Events, Institute of Imagination, Mate Bike LITELOK, National Pontoon, Oasis Academy, ProCam Take 2, Royal Docks Learning and Activity Centre, RSH Audio, RODMA, Ruff Sqwad, So Bar, University of East London, UTC, The Walk & West Silvertown Foundation.
With thanks to:
The London Borough of Newham Licensing Team for their continued guidance and support, Lendlease, RoDMA, Rokhsana Fiaz, Mayor of Newham, Mohamed Hammoudan, LBN, Dave Hughes, LBN, Joy Caron-Canter and all at RDLAC, Rishan Ahorlu, Chloe Lee, Harjit Lola, Almir and all at WSF, Anab Hoffman, Luljeta Nuzi, Helena Taylor, Phil Veasey,
James Culley, Alan Soong and Sarwar Ahmed and all at UTC, Anna Niland NYT, all at ExCel, Warwick Estates, Derren at Britannia Village, Tariq Imam at So Bar, Lewis, Bob, Jane and Tim at DCS London. Fight for Peace, Suzannah Walker, Lynne Crank, Merdeen Wright Simpson, All at Expressway, Chris Abell and all at Tate and Lyle, Institute of Imagination,
Kiron Ponnath, Kate, Lucy, David, Angela, Donna, Ruth, Rawnak, Nasima, Sarah and everyone at the Royal Docks team.